Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Prosecution: Legislation: Ancient Legislation:

Prosecution: Legislation:

[Site] General

I. Author Index

[Info] Jones, Jake J. Pre-Biblical and Old Testament Rape Law Parallels: Recurring Androcentric Themes in Historic Biblical Text. M.A. Thesis, Rutgers-The States University of New Jersey, 2013.

[Info] Lafont, Sophie. Femmes, Droit et Justice dans l'Antiquité orientale. Contribution à l'étude du droit pénal au Proche-Orient ancien. Fribourg 1999.

[Info] Neumann, Hans. »"Gerechtigkeit liebe ich...". Zum Strafrecht in den ältesten Gesetzen Mesopotamiens.« Das Altertum 35 (1989): 13-22.

[Info] Peled, Ilan. »Gender and Sex Crimes in the Ancient Near East: Law and Custom.« Structures of Power: Law and Gender across the Ancient Near East and Beyond. Edited by Ilan Peled. Chicago 2017: 27-40.

[Info] Scurlock, Joann. »But Was She Raped? A Verdict through Comparison.« NIN 4 (2003): 61-103.

[Info] Smith, Merril D. »Ancient Law Codes.« Encyclopedia of Rape. Edited by Merril D. Smith. Westport 2004.

[Info] Wells, Bruce. »Sex Crimes in the Laws of the Hebrew Bible.« Near Eastern Archaeology 78 (2015): 294-300.

[Info] Westbrook, Raymond. »Introduction: The Character of Ancient Near Eastern Law.« A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law. Vol. 1. Edited by Raymond Westbrook. Leiden 2003: 1-90.

II. Speaker Index

[Info] Scurlock, JoAnn. »Rape, Adultery, Prostitution, and Abortion: The Regulation of Female Sexuality in the Ancient Near Eastern Laws.« 103rd Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association. Cincinnati 1988.

[Site] Assyrian Laws

I. Author Index

[Info] Cooper, Jerrold S. »Virginitiy in Ancient Mesopotamia.« Sex and Gender in the Ancient Near East: Proceedings of the 47th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Helsinki, July 2-6, 2001. Part I. Edited by S. Parpola et al. Helsinki 2002: 91-112.

[Info] Démare-Lafont, Sophie. »La preuve du viol dans les droits du Proche-Orient ancien.« La Preuve en justice de l'Antiquité à nos jours. Edited by Bruno Lemesle. Rennes 2003: 13-22.

[Info] Lafont, Sophie. »Mesopotamia: Middle Assyrian Period.« A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law. Vol. 1. Edited by Raymond Westbrook. Leiden 2003: 521-563.

[Info] Peled, Ilan. Law and Gender in the Ancient Near East and the Hebrew Bible. London 2020.

[Info] Scholz, Susanne. »'Back Then It Was Legal': The Epistemological Imbalance in Readings of Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Rape Legislation.« The Bible and Critical Theory 1 (2005).

[Info] Scholz, Susanne. »'Back Then It Was Legal': The Epistemological Imbalance in Readings of Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Rape Legislation.« Journal of Religion & Abuse 7 (2005): 5-35.

[Info] Scholz, Susanne. The Bible as Political Artifact: On The Feminist Study of the Hebrew Bible. Minneapolis 2017.

[Info] Stol, Marten. Vrouwen van Babylon: Prinsessen, priesteressen, prostituees in de bakermat van de cultuur. Utrecht 2012.

[Info] Stol, Marten. Women in the Ancient Near East. Berlin 2016.

[Info] Tetlow, Elisabeth M. Women, Crime, and Punishment in Ancient Law and Society. Vol. 1: The Ancient Near East. New York 2004.

[Info] Troy, Beth. Legally Bound: A Study of Women's Legal Status in the Ancient Near East. .A. Thesis, Miami University, 2004.

II. Speaker Index

[Site] Babylonian Laws

I. Author Index

[Info] Démare-Lafont, Sophie. »La preuve du viol dans les droits du Proche-Orient ancien.« La Preuve en justice de l'Antiquité à nos jours. Edited by Bruno Lemesle. Rennes 2003: 13-22.

[Info] Peled, Ilan. Law and Gender in the Ancient Near East and the Hebrew Bible. London 2020.

[Info] Reynolds, James B. »Sex Morals and the Law in Ancient Egypt and Babylon.« Journal of the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology 5 (1914): 20-31.

[Info] Scholz, Susanne. »'Back Then It Was Legal': The Epistemological Imbalance in Readings of Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Rape Legislation.« The Bible and Critical Theory 1 (2005).

[Info] Scholz, Susanne. »'Back Then It Was Legal': The Epistemological Imbalance in Readings of Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Rape Legislation.« Journal of Religion & Abuse 7 (2005): 5-35.

[Info] Scholz, Susanne. The Bible as Political Artifact: On The Feminist Study of the Hebrew Bible. Minneapolis 2017.

[Info] Stol, Marten. Vrouwen van Babylon: Prinsessen, priesteressen, prostituees in de bakermat van de cultuur. Utrecht 2012.

[Info] Stol, Marten. Women in the Ancient Near East. Berlin 2016.

[Info] Troy, Beth. Legally Bound: A Study of Women's Legal Status in the Ancient Near East. .A. Thesis, Miami University, 2004.

[Info] Westbrook, Raymond. »Mesopotamia: Old Babylonian Period.« A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law. Vol. 1. Edited by Raymond Westbrook. Leiden 2003: 361-430.

II. Speaker Index

[Site] Hittite Laws

I. Author Index

[Info] Démare-Lafont, Sophie. »La preuve du viol dans les droits du Proche-Orient ancien.« La Preuve en justice de l'Antiquité à nos jours. Edited by Bruno Lemesle. Rennes 2003: 13-22.

[Info] Haase, Richard. »Anatolia and the Levant: The Hittite Kingdom.« A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law. Vol. 1. Edited by Raymond Westbrook. Leiden 2003: 619-656.

[Info] Peled, Ilan. »'Amore, more, ore, re...': Sexual Terminology and Hittite Law.« Pax Hethitica: Studies on the Hittites and their Neighbours in Honour of Itamar Singer. Edited by Yoram Cohen et al. Wiesbaden 2010: 247-260.

[Info] Peled, Ilan. »Crime and Sexual Offense in Hatti.« Near Eastern Archaeology 78 (2015): 286-293.

[Info] Peled, Ilan. Law and Gender in the Ancient Near East and the Hebrew Bible. London 2020.

[Info] Scholz, Susanne. »'Back Then It Was Legal': The Epistemological Imbalance in Readings of Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Rape Legislation.« The Bible and Critical Theory 1 (2005).

[Info] Scholz, Susanne. »'Back Then It Was Legal': The Epistemological Imbalance in Readings of Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Rape Legislation.« Journal of Religion & Abuse 7 (2005): 5-35.

[Info] Scholz, Susanne. The Bible as Political Artifact: On The Feminist Study of the Hebrew Bible. Minneapolis 2017.

[Info] Stol, Marten. Vrouwen van Babylon: Prinsessen, priesteressen, prostituees in de bakermat van de cultuur. Utrecht 2012.

[Info] Stol, Marten. Women in the Ancient Near East. Berlin 2016.

II. Speaker Index

[Site] Israelite Laws

I. Author Index

[Info] Frymer-Kenski, Tikva. »Anatolia and the Levant: Israel.« A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law. Vol. 2. Edited by Raymond Westbrook. Leiden 2003: 975-1046.

[Info] Jones, Jake J. Pre-Biblical and Old Testament Rape Law Parallels: Recurring Androcentric Themes in Historic Biblical Text. M.A. Thesis, Rutgers-The States University of New Jersey, 2013.

[Info] Peled, Ilan. Law and Gender in the Ancient Near East and the Hebrew Bible. London 2020.

[Info] Pietersen, Christo. »Women Treated as Property: The Influence of the Ancient Near East on the Covenant Code.« Journal for Semitics 30(1) (2021).

[Info] Reeder, Caryn A. »Sex and Execution: Deuteronomy 22:20-24.« Expository Times 124 (2013): 272-281.

[Info] Scholz, Susanne. »'Back Then It Was Legal': The Epistemological Imbalance in Readings of Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Rape Legislation.« The Bible and Critical Theory 1 (2005).

[Info] Scholz, Susanne. »'Back Then It Was Legal': The Epistemological Imbalance in Readings of Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Rape Legislation.« Journal of Religion & Abuse 7 (2005): 5-35.

[Info] Scholz, Susanne. The Bible as Political Artifact: On The Feminist Study of the Hebrew Bible. Minneapolis 2017.

[Info] Stol, Marten. Vrouwen van Babylon: Prinsessen, priesteressen, prostituees in de bakermat van de cultuur. Utrecht 2012.

[Info] Stol, Marten. Women in the Ancient Near East. Berlin 2016.

II. Speaker Index

[Info] Fleishman, Joseph. »Exodus 22:15-16: Seduction and Elopement Marriage; Deuteronomy 22:28-29: Rape and Abduction Marriage.« International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. London 2011.

[Info] Scholz, Susanne. »“Back Then It Was Legal”: The Epistemological Divide Regarding Rape Laws In Ancient Israel.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. San Antonio 2004.

[Site] Sumerian Laws

I. Author Index

[Info] Cooper, Jerrold S. »Virginitiy in Ancient Mesopotamia.« Sex and Gender in the Ancient Near East: Proceedings of the 47th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Helsinki, July 2-6, 2001. Part I. Edited by S. Parpola et al. Helsinki 2002: 91-112.

[Info] Démare-Lafont, Sophie. »La preuve du viol dans les droits du Proche-Orient ancien.« La Preuve en justice de l'Antiquité à nos jours. Edited by Bruno Lemesle. Rennes 2003: 13-22.

[Info] Finkelstein, J.J. »Sex Offenses in Sumerian Laws.« Journal of the American Oriental Society 86 (1966): 355-372.

[Info] Lafont, Bertrand, et al. »Mesopotamia: Neo-Sumerian Period (Ur III).« A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law. Vol. 1. Edited by Raymond Westbrook. Leiden 2003: 183-226.

[Info] Scholz, Susanne. »'Back Then It Was Legal': The Epistemological Imbalance in Readings of Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Rape Legislation.« The Bible and Critical Theory 1 (2005).

[Info] Scholz, Susanne. »'Back Then It Was Legal': The Epistemological Imbalance in Readings of Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Rape Legislation.« Journal of Religion & Abuse 7 (2005): 5-35.

[Info] Scholz, Susanne. The Bible as Political Artifact: On The Feminist Study of the Hebrew Bible. Minneapolis 2017.

[Info] Stol, Marten. Vrouwen van Babylon: Prinsessen, priesteressen, prostituees in de bakermat van de cultuur. Utrecht 2012.

[Info] Stol, Marten. Women in the Ancient Near East. Berlin 2016.

[Info] Troy, Beth. Legally Bound: A Study of Women's Legal Status in the Ancient Near East. .A. Thesis, Miami University, 2004.

II. Speaker Index